Tuesday, December 29, 2009
stories of 2009 revisited in 2021
I am not sure if you are currently in same part of los angeles - a city I dont really know. STORY OF FAST COMPANY ROW & ABED SOCIAL BUSINESS COLLAB UNIVERSITY VINCENT> I met heath in boston 2003? while he was still the main connector at alan webbers fast company magazine. At that time at least 3 fascinating things : fast company organised 200 evening conversation clubs in big cities on social capital - 100 internationally; i populated london's (this was before a dismal thing called impact hub started in islington and bred 80 messes across the world); fast company offered insights whenever harvard mindset monopoly was wrong or at least behind von neumann's curve of 100 times more tech per decade to humanise ai with https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ai-neumann-top-100-humansai-2022-chris-macrae-ma-damtp-cantab/?published=t ; in an age when founders still published email at bottom of articles it helped connect startups; I expect it did a lot more but that was great ; i bumped into webber after he had sold fast company; there was in 2008/9 12 months when smith school of business at UMD was very entrepreneurial thanks to a lady called mellissa carrier; she tried to launch social business entrepreneurship- weber was a keynote speaker; I made a huge mistake; i told him dr yunus (who i had arranged european tours for including day british banks failed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klUu03EMeRs ) was organising a global socail business summit; i next met webber moderating this out of berlin in 2009.. that year I had organised yunus 69th birthday bringing from london the bbc's number 2 on nature and friend of prince charles www.ashden.org - all hell broke loose in summer 2009 dhaka as the end game of yunus owning grameen versus sheikh hasina's hatred of him had begun; yunus used berlin that fall to pretend he was ever stronger as a worldwide sustainability economist and partner; at that same 69th birthday party i had invited the founder of brac bank and a brand consultant tania zaman who was redoing fazle abed's brand; thats where i discovered fazle abed was the person every sustainability millennial most needed to understand. abed's last act before cancer killed him was to headhunt vincent from shenzen-hk university system; vincent has at least 3 doctorate or postdoctorates from mit berkeley yale as well as sillicon valley entrepreneurial success; although abed had threaded the world's largest sustainable partnerships in civil society (transforming ng world) he didnt have time to hand tehse over to vincent in the context of uniting 100 universities whose graduates need to shape the sustainbility generation over the next few years- sorry if thats a long conversation starter but I hope you do (converse) happy safe 2022 ps ironically george soros tremendously helped yunus in 1996 starting village phones and abed from 2007 ; although the main partner in 100 sdg graduates network from the west is supposed to be soros colleges and people like malloch brown who edited the 2000 millennium goals- adminstrators around soros have got caught up in the wrong end of every activist stick (imo) instead of getting on with last mile health which was the reason soros valued abed more than any other societal leader among asia's two thirds of humanity - i strongly recommend this space as 10 times smarter than linkedin https://lunchclub.com/member/50a1a6657a07
chris bethesda md +1 240 316 8157
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