We offer 3 Diary Viewpoints of 2025Report and welcome AI20s.com open co-eds notably female neuroscientists & tech wizards aligned to King Charles AI World Series. - Neumann-Einstein-Turing first suggested to Economist Journalists to map (exponential maths audit Trillion Dollar Markets) future back from 2025 in 1951; from 1984 forward see EconomistDiary.com/1984; for earlier stuff see also Neumann Ning; for some current stuff continue at this web - eg is water the artificial and human intelligence that can help millennilals be first renewable generation? Economistwater.com (EWa) and ED invite you to help us connect our futures alphabet A B D F G H J M S Wo U Y. At Neumann.ning.com -... we are in trouble - good trouble. Its as if everything we published from 73 years of Economist surveys with von neumann whom dad met in 1951 is history. That's good news- thanks 8 billion to AI Angel visiting Washington DC on 1 March 2023 :: ...Golden Oldie flashback: EconomistDiary.com schools brief 14 (1964):

Thursday, December 31, 2015

in association with economistblack.com & livesmatter.city - 3 community worlds collided 3 times in 2015

 lives matter compendium - John would you have time on march 20, 2023 before G6 cooperation water events begin to host what we know of how 6 young ladies (3 black 3 chinese) almost saved american communities 3 times. 20th is good date because thurgood marshall rev al hathwaway fav ny summit is on https://rainbowpushwallstreetproject.org/  john knows medgar evers story from at least 10 visits started by the artistically brilliant Ms Song one of diannes chinese sherpa's to her UN architecture competition  https://www.google.com/search?q=%22windsor+castle%22+%22dianne+davis%22+caring   ; these were continued by 2 chinese ladies who attended abed's 80th birthday; as you provably know in 1963 both evers and kennedy were assassinated; about 75 years earlier 3 baltimore black ladies won first legal suit of amendment 13- they built what became both thrurgood marshall's home community and where freddie gray was slaughtered causing pope francis to ask rev al to meet him; - more at www.economistblack.com -regarding march 20 I am not sure if the other fred (rosa's lawyer, resident of  former slave of booker washington's universuity Tuskegee and Jimmy Carter friend can zoom in a dew bon mots https://www.google.com/search?q=rosa+parks+lawyer

for me meeting muhammad yunus led to witnessing the greatest stiryteller of our times , trusting his daughter will play his music for decades to come www.singfprhope.org, tranfering io knowhow networks of Fazle Abed - 3 times a charm when it comes to being accidentally greenwashed

berween 2007 and 2015 i met muhhad yunius about 30 times - he didnt want any help with his stories of microcredit ; he discarded the 10 people who helped him launch global social busienss netwprks in favor of a german agent

and we spent 7 years building road to atleanta yunsu youth competitions due to climazx a month befire teh sdg launches with nobel peace laureates at atlanta

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Thursday, December 24, 2015

 This would be a most wonderful new year gift to sustainable youth's world - bit of brain waving follows-
As a maths and media valuation  guy I have been researching this for about 15 years from 2 open innovation angles

1 how to reduce degrees of separation from the average worldwide of 6 to about 2.5 -in other words, i am two and half personal introductions away from anyone with sustainability water knowhow or water for communities solution budget holders

2 economistwater.com - if there was a dream correspondents network within The Economist (or world service broadcasting of the bbc) for ending death or loss of livelihoods by open society water intelligence, who would those correspondents be

15 years ago i was a volunteer for the 20 country knowledge management community of the European Union and mapping whos who of water angel networking was one of the projects i recommended open spacing across the continent- we never quite got there- unfortunately all of EU ITC reported into some not so good bankers in luxembourg and switzerland but at least this told my friends where not to bother water mapping. This re-emerged as an issue in 2008 while i was editing graemeenveolia.com which many had hoped would globalise water as a social business market

 In brazil water was the main social action interest of lula before he became president- brazil has 30% of the worlds underground freshwater reserves and he wanted these permanently owned by the people not sold off to the nestles and  coca-colas of this world; he partnered the roman catholic church in a year of water empowering over 9000 parish distribution points on the peoples knowledge on the value of water and he made sure this was prominently understood at the world social forum - a network organised out of brazil and which when he became president he red eyed between and the world economic forum which has always been the main world forum for inter-hemisphere befriending arab and then chinese partners/investors 

Recently while waiting for you to fly into the waldorf astoria hotel, rachel ruto said the next thing she wanted research on was womens empowerment water projects- this gave me an updatable excuse to write to relevant kenyan knowledge brokers eg inside the world bank and their coursera partnership studio, at the organisation of american states, around the bottom up world of water entrepreneurs such as paul polak and his kenyan partners in new york acumen's patient capital bank which through clan Novogratz is not very transparently joined to ted.com

Such research tells me who is ready to open up knowhow and who isnt, By itself its inactionable- i mean transparency's next stage round blocking this information would be to have rutos chief of staff ring the people up who didnt respond to my water survey and at the same time as declare an open space of water near enough google's headquarters in new york or baidu us in mountain view to ripple up

In search of 40 years of my fathers logic <6 page paper attached>, learning water will only be a planet-wide free market when top people see that the millennials are unstoppably moving this on through open spaces, ihubs, hackathons and since chiina is lead decision maker on all naturally broken systems of sustainability cool chinese millennial friendship networks

Enter amy 929 321 2149 the only person i would trust to accelerate water knowledge from my linkedin to all of her friends peer to peer action learning groups. 

I dont really understand why you dont value her as china's most determined youth ambassador  being wholly on www.yazmi.com  and sustainable Ethiopia's side. 

happy xmas noah and friends of satellite learning
chris macrae, water  Wash DC 240 316 8157 www.alumnisat.com 
6:17 am est          Comments