About 25 results
2022 Purpose
Maybe its my age coming up to 71 but I am looking at 2 year maps to go beyond American Hubris. I would like to see world heading in a different direction before my parting. Humans networks through New York appear pivotal from what I can see.
My mind is most influenced by My father' (Norman Macrae's) life work (much of which I am linking through http://www.teachforsdgs.com ) and since 2007 women empowered Bangladesh mainly sir fazle abed, less clinton-yunus-microcreditsummit-results. Mathematically I believe positive cash models scale; but we dont need models designed to compound one sided profit beyond all sustainable purpose. I have had 40 year view of this which started in 1980s when for mit I worked at a french headquartered company on a worldwide database of societal needs from global multinationals. I became main Asian contributor then Robert Maxwell took over our company ending my 1980s.
Dad's purpose: from 1943: teen navigator allied bomber command burma, marrying daughter of sir kenneth kemp the scottish bombay chief justice who with Gandhi wrote up legalese of independence, last class of keynes (see final chapter of general theory money interests employment), sub-editor of the economist through its 3rd half century begun by scot james wilson to help queen victoria transform to commonwealth, in 1962 being core to president kennedy's interdependent world celebrating asia rising models with japan (korea taiwan, being biographer of von neumann, only journalist at birth of eu (messina 1955, ruined from 1962 on agriculture and always peace newtered by us-russia occupation of germany) and writing with romano prodi 1970s surveys on community-grounded sme network models to triangularise big get bigger corporation/government. Ironically Drayton founded ashoka inspired by dads writings but did not value scaling way dad and sir fazle abed did. With dad's intellectual confederates like Vogel & Drucker gone, Gifford Pinchot and possibly Naisbitts, Prodi, even Schwab, Soros are left but in their 80s - and covid has ended their real meetings.
I have always valued an idea jim kim came up with- unite professionals in their first 15 years of graduation; i believe new university movement should be geared to that dynamic (oddly this is very much in line with adam smiths 1750s arguments with oxford written up in my father's 1986 survey on future of education which extended that sectors extinction-critical contribution to the 40 year future history book i co-authored with dad called 2025 report - beyond borders and to catalogue each system that is currently externalising the risk it knows most about.(That also applies to sectors eg the way union carbide did with bhopal). The human race the technology and eg 5 billion under 40s brains to do this but not while old hubris dominates national leaders discussions , and media etc. Why is for example that there has only ever been one decade-creation challenge - the moon race. Somehow the intergenrational trust between grandparent, parent and younger half of the world has been decimated by vicious self-centred transactional mass media - both broadcast and digital. This is the focus of integrating local- globalisation consultancy that I have worked/published on for 40 years now. However it does not fit inside any academic tracks.
New York becomes epicentral in usa for a combination of reasons such as
*I believe beyond uniting youth across all nations we need a new space the 4 Lead Countries: uniting japan germany china and usa- consensus among these 4 = foundational chance to leap beyond hubris on same timelines as end covid, change education, cop26+, start infrastructure designed for peace coastal belts and landlocked peoples ...
*Guterres has indicated that he sees his peak influence up to end of 2023; in september his main publication a 2 year summit future process which sounds like all my dads debates on clash between most marginalised borders on earth and future history of tech still compounding 100 fold per decade (moore law- now can we humanise ai). WE wont see another character like guterres with triple experience - prime minsister portugal; lead practice of us refugee support; lead un; hopefully franciscan in culture; up to 2016 he was quite happy to connect eg franciscan and confucian "servant leadership" cultures to name but two.
*One of my fathers 2 main human development models since 1962 was supercities that Asia was first to map tokyo- seoul-taipei.. singapore (china coast from 1980 as vogel describes with japans knowhow). Berlin is a modern supercity revitalised over 25 post wall years. To the extent that IF usa has a supercity, new york is it. Tokyo's mayor Koike has talked of after covid smart city exchange between tokyo and ny being her number 1 aim. When we talk about benchmark smart city mayors and vibrantly diverse community entrepreneurs- the supercity league has the most distinctive challenges. How are finance, health, non-linear age-education, infrastructure, going green, lives/families matter diversity modelled as win-wins within the city & across the nation & across other nations with supercity joy and tech for humanity
*I can make some progress connecting new york youth-smart sub-networks- having tracked dynamics since 2015 sdg launch when I also visited vatican twice eg http://www.premiosciacca.it
I believe I am a friend of probably Japans leading operational financier in new york
He is letting me introduce him to young professionals - eg a chinese american lady at deustche bank expert in ESG debt but inspired by future of wellness and fashion retailing (she was the one who gave me the Dalio link) - in some way making a common language of ESGs seems to be NY ,way of redesigning finance . He also has a joy of uniting musicianjs http://www.musicforsdgs.com everywhere to celebrate sustainability world summits
*All of these market sectors : fintech, healthtech, edutech, greentech, communitytech, food didtribution tech need mediating in supercities not by left-right political parties but sustainable place leaders' cities.
With Billion women end poverty luminary: Abed having died 2 years ago several of his partnerships (at deatrh world's largest ngo/society networks) especially the new york one through soros are at tipping point;Fazlee had hoped to unite at least 50 asian universities womens graduates - a deep female sustainability network parallel to eg schwarzman's; sadly there are different factions of abeds family, and they are not letting vincent chang who fazle abed headhunted get on with future of women-empowered asina universities . Covid has double multiplied complexity for poorest villagers investors. (Abed planted hq2 in netherlands- this epicentre is really last chance for his 30 collaboration networks.- http://www.abedmooc.com Its 20 years since I had some great contacts in netherlands- not sure if I can remap them. )
WE have a new tool Lunchclub - that can certainly be 10 times more useful to young professionals than linkedin. Is there a student team around you who might want to mooc on how to use it. I know someone who has already organised 100 one hour meetings to reorient her network partnerships- she's a moderator of emotional intel and usefully placed on the new york yale boston corridor which was also where neumann planted the future of his work not trusting open math system design to princeton and government bossed in DC!
I am not sure which asia societies really want to see all of asia's 60+% of people be as free to co-create tech, natural harmony and human spirits as white's 15% have since adam smiths engines had first comers opportunity to app etc..
It feels to me as if kissinger's c100 has lost it
I admire what the branch's of li ka shing's CKGSB university do - its us branch is in new york
I admire henry's CCG, schwarzman, aiib , asian development bank but many other asian institutes are complex where they interact with usa being caught up with hubris There remain individual standouts eg cheng li (still technically at brookings). I forget have you ever chatted with him to compare views. Who else - anyone continuing vogel's work? Marta Chen at Harvard is brilliant source of women empowerment but in her 80s.. Are there any asian tech entrepreneurs who get youth as sustainability generation? - i see some in hong kong but while that was due to be my last trip before covid struck the HK riots cancelled the main summit I had registered for Dec 2019
To the extent that I can link a NY ,map it will be at http://www.teachforxx.com - have you heard of new yorker wendy kopp?- she won qatar's first lady 10th global education laureate- she founded teach for america when she graduated from princeton. In the 30 years since she has built 60 national branches of teachers corps where graduates aiming to go into education spend 2 gap years. She has announced her 60 branches aim to unite a new skills education replacing endless examination. At the same time gordon brown networks (as special envoy across all un edu ) have announced out of new york a competition to rank us cities by skills education. Browns wife sarah has been trusted by refugee education networks for a long time- his deepe4st edutech network runs by the name education commissio0n Asia hubbed out of Korea, The Japanese having lost world stages at g20 and tokyo olympics are hoping to relay expos from uae now to oaska 2025, and on the two year plan hope comes from indonesia organsing g20 in 2022 and egypt organising cop27. Mayor Koike is alumn of Cairo University.
The following economist are for sale from $100 up depending on purpose in valuing under 40s as first sustainability generation
rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk
TO Various banking people especially in New York City hello i saw your profile on lunchclub - intriguing!- not sure if my experience is relevant to connect- dad worked lifelong at the economist; we co-authored 1984 book www.2025report.com on investing in millennials as sustainability gen - my overall bank hero sir fazle abed www.abedmooc.com my contacts chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk https://www.linkedin.com/in/unwomens/