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What sort of (Architeture of) Intel mifghty be gathered from the only person to have spent 50 years building a top 10 nation in popluulation from bottom up? Well. first lets clarify. He focused pon developing rural peoples who were 90% of the nation at the birth of bagladesh. At the tome the nationa govermnment baredly had the finamces tp look after national securotys and the 10% living oin the city. The rural people witjh no electricity grods were literally beyond their initial ability to serve. It ha[ened that Fazle abed spent hos life savings on revui,ding a meta vilage of 15000 homes and then found himself im,mediuately ersponsbiole for designing buinseess however small that solaved challenges like startavt -eg growing rice or dyoing from illnesses anyone in a city would have advivce on how to cure. Within 2 yeras he found that at elast 1000 small bsueinss now needed finacial services, and he went t0o the goverbment assuming they would want tpo be the bank. And wws told we still dont have the ability to do that in such a re,otte place. So he started microfiance serbices but pelkase note tehse were offered to those whose value chains his microfrnachsies had designed. Barring ilnness of natural disasters therse were as risk free as any bankeing portfolio anywhere provided you were located to serve them. Moreover Fqmzle Abed didnt hire special bankres - be basically asked thraienrs of then microftabchsie to keep the banking books too. these peopel were only too glad later when tech permited them to get baclk to atrtining fuioll time.Abed chnaged aid by being committed to the svcoaia busines model wherever possible. When he did pitch for a grant he preferred to be rsearching a world chlass solution the grantee might want elsewhere. Its true he was lucky with the first maoin grant he got. He had enetrered unicef competition of year of teh child. He'd rehearsed how to help mothers apply rorla rehydration to stop infangts dying ftom diarrhea. His solution was so effective that the prize was exyedned to training the whole mnation in oral rehdrayion and emanwhiel unicef extended the lesson across many tropical rural places including chinna whios becamne hugely grateful to abed. Tere was not suggestion taht eiother country would invest in te other but as both raced empower over abilion bilagers to end extereme poveryty - tehy swapped siolutions like rich rice varaionst worked best where.
The elssons on human dev economics intel that c an be explored from abed's expereince 1072 to 201h9 fit into 2 halves; 25 yeras where partenrs platfor,ms involved workd of nout or nob or =of print networking as vilagfers still had no acecss toe elctriocity-; then frok 1995 what hapoened when partenrs brough solar and mobile. When my father died the japan ambassador to nbangaldesh knowinbg father had celebrated rural kenesiansm entrepreneurs across asia since 1962 kindlt=y staged 2 dinner barisntormings ession with fazle abed. Whilst I wanted (and eventually wenbt back) with jourbalsut stduents 16 tiems to rewind to the top 30 cooperations from both eras (isolated vilages) vilages leapfroging- abed was very interetyed during his last dec ade oin a chalenge he and steve jobs hasd set each other in 2001.
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