We offer 3 Diary Viewpoints of 2025Report and welcome AI20s.com open co-eds notably female neuroscientists & tech wizards aligned to King Charles AI World Series. - Neumann-Einstein-Turing first suggested to Economist Journalists to map (exponential maths audit Trillion Dollar Markets) future back from 2025 in 1951; from 1984 forward see EconomistDiary.com/1984; for earlier stuff see also Neumann Ning; for some current stuff continue at this web - eg is water the artificial and human intelligence that can help millennilals be first renewable generation? Economistwater.com (EWa) and ED invite you to help us connect our futures alphabet A B D F G H J M S Wo U Y. At Neumann.ning.com -... we are in trouble - good trouble. Its as if everything we published from 73 years of Economist surveys with von neumann whom dad met in 1951 is history. That's good news- thanks 8 billion to AI Angel visiting Washington DC on 1 March 2023 :: ...Golden Oldie flashback: EconomistDiary.com schools brief 14 (1964):

Thursday, December 31, 1970

 just in case you dont already know each other/

https://www.linkedin.com/in/adeyemibabingtonashaye/ yemi is based in geneva; my understanding is he used to coordinate global youth shapers network of schwab's world economic forum and now hosts his own youth network https://unitedpeople.global/ my impression (please correct me if i am wrong) ; each year several hundred 20-something scholarships are added - they go and do training on hurricane island; the consequence is several thousand younger now people hugely support each other across hemispheres on general climate and zero carbon actions as well as where they have specific skills; i joined one of their quarterly zooms and the culture of supporting each other is extremely strong; it seems gandhian to me though I am sometimes confuse different consciousness methods

jack sim is in singapore  he's spent last 24 years uniting people round goal 6 water and sanitation - he has got his own un calendar day nov 19 ; and march22-24 sees first UN headquarters NY habitat summit specifically linked by water and sanitation  https://sdgs.un.org/conferences/water2023 ; additionally jack runs bop hub which is currently researching every major social entrepreneur catalooue for which solutions cooperatively scale http://www.worldtoilet.org https://www.bophub.org/collaborate-more

sampson coordinates http://www.nexteinstein.org - its the strongest network I have seen training mathematicians for africa and is one of the star atrractions of science summits now run parallel to un general assembly and corresponding events by declan kirrane (hq brussels) Declan Kirrane's schedule for EU Science: Global Challenges Global Collaboration Conference

john has run new york's sooundtracknewyork studio for 45 years and connects musicians arts and sdgs; he also knows the head of unhabitat in geneva ; and like sampson and me he sees mathematicians as essential contributors to solving system problems our species seems to be sinking in

we are trying to maximise connections, with notable diary regarding  new york and un  march 22 focus on jacks' cooperations; we also have a lot of women empowerment mutual debriefings (i visited sir fazle abed brac banagladesh 16 times and know the vice chancellor he headhunted for brac university who has just competed 4 years bridging the loss of sir fazle, covid and other challenges

a totally new tech/ed framework of cooperation began 2016 at UN (which i have tracked every year) -its very much my fav model of how gov can help millennials be first sustainability generation https://www.un.org/techenvoy/content/ongoing-work as well as calling for total change in education systems and digital appreciation of each other; moreover this framework has restored geneva as ITU digital twin of UN and eg researching what ai for good every un operational branch apps run as an online portal

just writing in case there may be connections - you all help millennial generation such a lot - thanks
chris washington dc region and NY  EconomistDiary.com   +1 240 316 8157

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