We offer 3 Diary Viewpoints of 2025Report and welcome AI20s.com open co-eds notably female neuroscientists & tech wizards aligned to King Charles AI World Series. - Neumann-Einstein-Turing first suggested to Economist Journalists to map (exponential maths audit Trillion Dollar Markets) future back from 2025 in 1951; from 1984 forward see EconomistDiary.com/1984; for earlier stuff see also Neumann Ning; for some current stuff continue at this web - eg is water the artificial and human intelligence that can help millennilals be first renewable generation? Economistwater.com (EWa) and ED invite you to help us connect our futures alphabet A B D F G H J M S Wo U Y. At Neumann.ning.com -... we are in trouble - good trouble. Its as if everything we published from 73 years of Economist surveys with von neumann whom dad met in 1951 is history. That's good news- thanks 8 billion to AI Angel visiting Washington DC on 1 March 2023 :: ...Golden Oldie flashback: EconomistDiary.com schools brief 14 (1964):

Sunday, March 19, 2023

2025 Report - final cooperation edition - what goods can people unite where first to access 100 times more intel-tech per decade
My family has been researching future ops and threats of 100 times more intel-tech since my birth year, 1951, when dad norman met von neumann. Or if you count my grandfathers' works since the 1920s. My mathernal grandad. Sir Kemmeth Kemp,  mediated visions with Gandhi out of Bombay (today's Mumbai) as that places chief justice over 20 years, before his last project: writing up for London the legalese of the independence of the quarter of humans on the subcontinent of India. My paternal grandad was Britain's main diplomat connecting intel on the evils of Hitler and Stalin. Dad was home-schooled in British Embassies including Stalin's Moscow to his early teens. He spent his las days as a teen navigating planes in alled bomber command Burma. So when dad met von neumann and agreed on behalf of The Economist to apply his survey on goods, they both had deep experiences of bads. They both interpreted ending poverty as designing a world in which next girl born had a fair chance to live out of every community 
Agendas of humanly valuable intel. Above all Neuman  was interested in mapping way above zero sum value exchanges. Thus when humans share life critical community knowhow value multiplies in use unlike consuming up things or printing paper currencies detached from standards other than political whim Von neumann and friend Einstein concerns included: End asymetries of the 8 biggest powers that had ended in 2 world wars; celebrate inclusion the up to 70% of beings that the colonial era had left out of access to electricity grids or telecoms; Outlast stalin as the one (insane) leader who wholly disagreed with the actions the UN was founded to serve; Mediate the threats of the maths Goats two defining future contributions to  to physical energy and brain power. Neumann pit it like this: the energy source my networks are helping to develop will make scientists both the most hated and wanted  citizens of any country; my other project the computer's augmentation of intelligence will one day be even more important- and potentially even more dangerous.
Welcome to roadmapping the 2020's you all are intergenerationally responsible for. 

.UN Spring March 2023 - Guterres arranged for thousands to be pre-trained on foci of his last 3 college yeras:23-24 sdgs - we are going backwards since their 2015 declaration - what system breakdowns need fixing; 24-25 global futures forum ; 25-26 what if we value Entrepreneurial Revolution of civil society designs triangularising corporate and national designs. (26-27 sees UN2 election year transitioning beyond Guterres 10 yeras of leadership which began jan 2017.
Since the college year 2015-16 the world has lived with mediating the 17 sdgs framework, together with the emergence of UN2 digital roadmapping. And since spring 2016 at the 80th birthday party of Fazle Abed, the Digital Cooperation framework has emerged. Whilst this represents the cooperation development voices of the poorest billion womens and poorest billion men's development experiences since 1951, it also represents the new university brainstorming begun in 2001 between Fazle Abed and Mr and Mrs Steve Jobs. Neither Steve nor Fazle had completed 4 year pare certificated before more practical matters shaped their young adult lives. Thank goodness they weren't chained to academia's paper chases....THE nEWs. Although world trade growth may look as if it is driven by East-West shipping across pacific and atlantic oceans, North South counts exponentially too. Its the N-S Eurasian space that gestated the 2 world wars. Today the populations in charge of the Antarctic and Arctic circles may be a very small percentage, but climate models suggest supporting their innovations may be the borderless challenge around which risks of species extinction can be mitigated 
www.economistdiary.com17 happiest cooperations ever webbed- we aim to help map these - long way ahead on sgoals 4 edu 5 womens productivity 6 sanitation/water - rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk to join in or help map other sdg compasses- thanks to all www.friends20.com of 73rd annual ai updates started by von neumann and the economist 1951

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