We offer 3 Diary Viewpoints of 2025Report and welcome AI20s.com open co-eds notably female neuroscientists & tech wizards aligned to King Charles AI World Series. - Neumann-Einstein-Turing first suggested to Economist Journalists to map (exponential maths audit Trillion Dollar Markets) future back from 2025 in 1951; from 1984 forward see EconomistDiary.com/1984; for earlier stuff see also Neumann Ning; for some current stuff continue at this web - eg is water the artificial and human intelligence that can help millennilals be first renewable generation? Economistwater.com (EWa) and ED invite you to help us connect our futures alphabet A B D F G H J M S Wo U Y. At Neumann.ning.com -... we are in trouble - good trouble. Its as if everything we published from 73 years of Economist surveys with von neumann whom dad met in 1951 is history. That's good news- thanks 8 billion to AI Angel visiting Washington DC on 1 March 2023 :: ...Golden Oldie flashback: EconomistDiary.com schools brief 14 (1964):

Friday, July 22, 2022

related questions at sdgs.games and with SDGoats.com (Greatests Youth heroines!): Is sdgmetaverseprize the happiest year round free game ever played (how will its impact compare with first 19 Xprizes>? and which NFTsdgs will investors celebrate most; can celebrating Guterres decade of UN2.0 digital roadmapping change how govtech is benchmarked wherever you live or web?

name a decade & 3 extraodrinary impactful events as far as human lot is concerned:  eg 1860s death of james wilson calcutta 1860 seventeen years after founding The Economist's Royal Society Gossip Sheet; 1864 birth of Leland Stanford Junior; 1865 birth Berne Switzerland of ITU -click on what gravitated from each occurrence - debriefing

 The final edition of 2025 report concludes 80 years of surveys and mediation of what will humans eXPonentially do with 100 times ore tech each decade between 2025 and 1945. Ibn helping turn The Economist into the one of a kind global viewspaper my father has been described as both the first journalist of the internet and of sustainability development goals.

Actually my father's expereiential learning curve was a bit deeper than that. Dad was still bein homeschooled in Britith Emabassy in Moscow as he commenced his teenage years. And he ended his teenage years as a navigatir in allied bomber command Burma. Surviving world war 2 he had quite a detailed list  of design chnages the world of humans needed to make. These included;

Prevent mad men from ruling nations: particularly two (Hitler, Stlin) who got to war on opposte sides guarenteeing one will win

learn world war 1 biggest lesson; the winning side should not condemn losing peoples to lives of misery. Somehow their place needs to be redsigned so the pwople are empower to gow again with win-win trading opportunities

Lurking through the terrifying start to the 20th century, was that white empire models of tfade had so far exculded the vast majority of humans (living in Asia or Africa) from participating in engineering - most did not hav access to electriity grids.

You could say that Norman's navigation duties had blessed him with google maps in his head a deneration ahead of any jounalist or academic. It could lead to simplifying patter rules in worldwide advance in humanit.

For example it was a good thing for thne world that Americans in 1776 had told london to go away. Americans needed to expereiment with continetal scaling of engineering. Conversally the dismal consequence was london redoubled adminstration of most of Asia with next to no competence of engineering on a continetant scale, and with what compounded win-lose tradingBy th etime Gandhi started debating my maternal grandfather In Mumba - the question of independence for the quarter of humans livinhg on India's subcontient has been estimated as welth of tehse peopels compounding at less than a quarter ofof what engineering by and for the eoples of these lands might have advanced. And thats befor the tech exponetail of 100 time smore arrived as the gift of the greaest mathematician networks von neuammn, einstein, turing et al.

In this book we will try and catalogue entreneurial innovation form 5 contects

web 3 2 1 which have become the advanced games that the most digitally free pople have progressively played since 1990. Web 0 by which we mean  all tyhe advances of engines, electricity, telecommunication , computing but before being digitally webbed

web00 how people network in vilages without access to electricity grida and before solarv and mobile could with optimal partnering pkatforms celebrat the most extraordinary leaps in open sourcing deepest soliutions to the most extreme local changes of the sdgs

For coneience we will catalogue collaboration solutiosn by the 17 goals though we note that the human mind is not desighned to remebering let alone interacting 17 urgent golals. We offer this acronymy as a implere pathaway.

Betwen 1843-1860 The Economist asked quuen victoria's assistance to focus on 3 dimensions


PAW-Poverty*Agriculture_waterBy its cenetenaruy autobiography in 1943 the 6 main compasses has added SHE: SHecms*Health*Eductaion

In this framework goal 17 is what the economist caleld entrepreneurial revolution from 1976 -redesigning a world of partnerships through which sme netwirks counterbalanced any tendency of world domination by big corpiartion and gig gov

and goals 7-16 can be thought of world trade mapping transparency of any trillion dolar value chain's global and local market integration including what 100 times more etch can change and why sustaining 4 times more humans than alive in 1945 require chnaging to zero footprint technolgies if we wanted our children to have access to a world as naturally bountiful as that we aprents were born into Impliciti in thos avdnace of the human lot is distinguishinbgggod abd bad collaboration across boders and not just bordered analyis of comoetition poloicies. As Von Neummn would coach dad in 1951, we need to free next generations to way beyond zro some games- apps which multiply life critical knowhow wi-iwn in use unlike zero-sum consumption of things. End rule by macronomics of thing comnsumtion : celebrate win-win imaginabke if AI and hunan I win-wi and partner nature's evolutioary designs.

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